Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lemonade Business Bankruptcy.

Never trust your self when it comes to business. Today I suffered through a huge disappointment when all my hard work was once again, destroyed. But let me start from the beginning. Yesterday I had an idea to start a lemonade stand to get my mom this COACH necklace for $78. (pic at bottom) So I stayed up until 2 am painting a big poster, fixing my printer, and printing out, as well as designing flyers. Then when the day came, I loaned $20 form my mom, $20 from a great friend, and spent $10 from the debit card that holds my allowance to buy ice, lemons, sugar, berries and mint, and 5 pitchers, as well as cups, for my lemonade stand. Then I invited one of my great BFFs, Inbar, to help with my stand. So me and Inbar spent a good 2 hours making fresh lemonade, in different flavours so we could amuse our customers. Then we ran into problems transporting everything to our local park, so we borrowed one of those kiddy car things from our neighbours. But then, we were passing by a bump, a horrible, tween hating bump, and as we were passing the bump, everything fell over. EVERYTHING. The lemonade, the posters, EVERYTHING! And EVERYTHING got soaked. So now I cannot get my mom her necklace, because I owe money that I could never pay off before her birthday while raising enough money to also buy her the necklace. So I have learned, to take the cheap way out, and buy the in a can lemonade, and then make it in the community centre's washroom, and serve it off of the stairs. Because no amount of money, can fill the disappointment that I experienced when everything became ruined, and gone for good.  Business is a tough world kids.

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